
Multivitamin is NOT a SHORTCUT to HEALTH

What is a multivitamin?

A Multivitamin supplement contains at least three or more different vitamins & minerals —the vitamin ingredient complex with a certain dose ratio. However, the ingredients contained in different brands of multivitamins and the dosage of each component are different. Multivitamins are usually used to treat fatigue, prevent vitamin deficiencies caused by an unbalanced diet, or prevent vitamin loss caused by long-term exercise. The human body needs to absorb these vitamins to maintain health, regulate physiological functions, and promote growth and development.

Does Multivitamin Helps?

Although supplementation of nutrition is very important to the human body, could a single tablet of multivitamins fulfill the human body’s nutrition?

Most of the multivitamin supplements in the market are synthetic products. They are processed in a laboratory. Synthetic supplements contain little or no natural ingredients. The human body may not absorb the synthetic supplement. One great example of this is a synthetic version of Vitamin B2 is made with acetic acid, bacteria, and nitrogen. The body has a hard time absorbing the synthetic version, and much of it is passed through in bodily waste.

Besides that, if some dosage in this nutrition exceeds the dosage that your body needs, it will create side effects to your body; for instance, a high level of vitamin A consumption will increase death probability. If a pregnant woman consumes too much vitamin A, it will increase the baby’s risk of congenital disabilities and increase fractures in menopausal women. On the other side, if the dosage of nutrients does not meet your body’s demand, there is no apparent benefit to you.


In an editorial entitled “Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements” published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers from Johns Hopkins University summarized Research on multivitamins, including three newer studies:

Cancer & Heart Disease

In analyzing a study involving 450,000 people, it found that multivitamins did not reduce heart disease or cancer risk.

Cognitive Decline

Another study used 12 years to track 5,947 men taking multivitamins and their mental functions but found that taking multivitamins did not reduce the risk of cognitive decline (such as memory loss or slow response)

Heart Attack

A study of 1,708 heart attack survivors who took a high-dose multivitamin or placebo up to 55 months. Rates of later heart attacks, heart surgeries, and deaths were similar in the two groups.


In conclusion, pills are not a shortcut to better health and the prevention of chronic diseases; they are mostly synthetic product and will create side effects on the human body. It would be best if you did not take a multivitamin to fix your low diet. A superior diet of fresh, whole foods can provide you with a full spectrum of nutrients. It is something that multivitamin can’t replicate.


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